
One of the most distinguished media broadcasting house in the world, British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is the largest broadcaster in the world. BBC is quite famous for providing extensive coverage of news on radio and television. In addition, they also offer documentaries for the viewers to watch and learn from. BBC has aired numerous documentaries in the past and many of them have had lasting impact on beliefs, opinions and ideas of millions of people on the planet. Here is a list of top 10 most amazing BBC documentaries ever:

10. Life in the Undergrowth:

As the name suggests, the documentary is based on the life of insects. The documentary threw enough light into the little known world of insects. It was highly appreciated by viewers all over the world. The documentary was aired in the year 2006 and narrated by David Attenborough. It was in fact very interesting to learn about the life of cockroaches, crickets, moths and much more. The research done by the BBC team and others was world class. The documentary covered almost all aspects of the insect-life.

Life in the Undergrowth - Most Amazing BBC Documentaries Ever

9. Walking With Dinosaurs:

It is one of the finest BBC documentaries.  The six part documentary series “Walking with Dinosaurs” provided an insight into the life of giant prehistoric creatures to the viewers. Released in the year 1999, the documentary was first of its kind. It was narrated by Kenneth Branagh and later screened on Discovery channel as well.

Walking With Dinosaurs - Most Amazing BBC Documentaries Ever

8. Civilization:

A marvelously crafted and written documentary by Kenneth Clark, Civilization was a centered on the evolution of the Western civilization. It was a passage through the emerging phase of the Western culture. The series was aired by BBC in 1969. It is regarded as a landmark work in the field of documentary making and visual arts by most documentary makers.

Civilization - Most Amazing BBC Documentaries Ever

7. Ancient Rome -The Rise and fall of an Empire:

Rome has always nurtured curiosity in the minds of intellectuals, truth seekers, historians and others. The documentary – Ancient Rome -The Rise and fall of an Empire, explained all reasons that lead to the rise of Rome to a great superpower in the past. In addition, the documentary explained the reasons for Rome’s downfall from the high point of glory as well. In short, it was a complete analysis of the ancient Roman Empire and the sumptuousness it established with time.

Ancient Rome -The Rise and fall of an Empire - Most Amazing BBC Documentaries Ever

6. The Ascent of Man:         

The documentary that broadly covered almost all aspects of the origin of human civilization, The Ascent of Man was a gem in itself. It is regarded as one of the top five best documentaries ever produced by BBC due to its unmatched narrative and plot. It related the identity of a human being with the society surrounding him in a manner that was completely unheard before. It leaves no stone unturned in dragging the viewers into a whole new world of human evolution.

The Ascent of Man - Most Amazing BBC Documentaries Ever

5. Galapagos -The Islands That Changed the World:

A sparkling documentary narrated by Tilda Swinton, it is surely one of the splendidly shot movies of all time. It is centered on the Galapagos Islands near equatorial region of the earth. The documentary is around two and half hours in length and covers almost all aspects of wildlife found in the region. It was shot from land, water and air, giving it a distinctive touch.

BBC Galapagos -The Islands That Changed the World - Most Amazing BBC Documentaries Ever

4. The Nazis – A Warning From History:

The famous BBC documentary ‘The Nazis – A warning from History’ was written, produced and directed by Laurence Rees. This documentary is regarded as one of the most watched documentaries in the world. Its narrative was very gripping and exposed many secrets about the life of Hitler. It also threw light on lethargic elements in the life of Hitler that weren’t known to many. A multitude of sections in the documentary threw adequate light on the state of affairs during the Nazi rule.

The Nazis - A warning from History - Most Amazing BBC Documentaries Ever


3. Planet Earth:

One of the most popular BBC documentaries, Planet Earth has a theme based on nature and wildlife. Planet Earth is a must watch documentary for all. The documentary covered almost all types of geographical locations and terrains on earth. It covered the deserts, ice world, caves, mountains and much more. Viewers also got a chance to see different types of fauna including Lions, Geese, Penguins, Tigers and others. The fabulous music in the backdrop turned it into a real treat for the wildlife lovers.

Planet Earth

2. Life:

The documentary was first broadcasted as a part of the BBC’s Darwin Season. The documentary showcased how the living beings have evolved in the past years and developed specialized strategies to cope up with the changes in the environment to guarantee their survival. It was written and narrated by David Attenborough. The documentary was divided into episodes based on plant and animal life.

Life - Most Amazing BBC Documentaries Ever

1. Blue Planet:

It is one of those BBC documentaries that required extensive research, investment and expertise. As the name suggests, the documentary is based on the marine life encompassing diverse flora and fauna. It covered the underwater life to the best possible extent. Blue Whales, Penguins and Squids were some of the living creatures that were abundantly researched in this documentary. The documentary was narrated by David Attenborough.

Blue Planet - Most Amazing BBC Documentaries Ever

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